Volunteer Management
On this page, you will find documents to support volunteer recognition, information on using our Volunteer Management System (Better Impact), and information on volunteer enrollment and re-enrollment.
Volunteer Enrollment & Re-enrollment | Volunteer Recognition | Better Impact Volunteer Management System
Volunteer Enrollment & Re-enrollment | Volunteer Recognition | Better Impact Volunteer Management System
Chapter Leader Guide
The Chapter Leader Guide (CLG) is a website providing information to volunteers currently in chapter leader roles. This site is a work in progress and documents will be added as they are completed. As you scroll down this page, you might see a note stating that the documents for a certain subject have been moved to the CLG. The appropriate link will be added to that section.
The CLG can be found here: https://sites.google.com/vt.edu/vmnleaders/clg-home
The Chapter Leader Guide (CLG) is a website providing information to volunteers currently in chapter leader roles. This site is a work in progress and documents will be added as they are completed. As you scroll down this page, you might see a note stating that the documents for a certain subject have been moved to the CLG. The appropriate link will be added to that section.
The CLG can be found here: https://sites.google.com/vt.edu/vmnleaders/clg-home
Volunteer Enrollment and Re-enrollment
Enrollment: All Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers must enroll initially using the online Better Impact application form for their chapter. All applicants must be screened before acceptance. See the volunteer enrollment and screening page for additional resources and information on this topic.
Re-enrollment: All Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers who want to continue participating in the program must re-enroll on an annual basis using Better Impact. The current re-enrollment period is December 1, 2022-January 31, 2023 for the 2023 calendar year.
Instructions for Re-enrolling in Better Impact for 2025
Re-enrollment: All Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers who want to continue participating in the program must re-enroll on an annual basis using Better Impact. The current re-enrollment period is December 1, 2022-January 31, 2023 for the 2023 calendar year.
Instructions for Re-enrolling in Better Impact for 2025
- Login to Better Impact (Login link: https://app.betterimpact.com/Login/Login)
- At your main MyImpact page, click on “My Profile”
- From the drop-down menu, choose “Additional Info”
- For those who are members of more than one Organization in Better Impact, chose your VMN chapter from the drop-down menu and tap or click “Select Organization”
- Scroll down to the section labeled “VMN Re-enrollment 2025 – for returning volunteers only”
- Review the instructions at the top of the section
- Answer all five questions truthfully
- To see more information for any question (and to view the VMN Code of Conduct and/or the VMN Volunteer Agreement), click on the black and white “i” or Information Icon next to each question.
- IMPORTANT! Once the questions have been answered, click “Save” at the top or bottom of the page. If you don’t click save, your answers will be lost, and you will have to do it again!
- VMN Re-enrollment instructional video: This is a 6-minute video that shows how a volunteer should complete the re-enrollment process for 2025. We demonstrate re-enrollment on both a computer and using the Better Impact mobile application on a phone.
- VMN Admin Info Sheet_Annual Re-enrollment in the VMN Program: This is information for chapter board members explaining the VMN Annual Re-enrollment process.
Volunteer Recognition Procedures
Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers are recognized for their training and service in multiple ways at both the state and chapter level.
Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers are recognized for their training and service in multiple ways at both the state and chapter level.
- VMN Admin Info Sheet_Explanation of Recognition Item Documents (PDF): This is an explanation of the current VMN volunteer recognition documents.
- VMN Admin Info Sheet_Recognition for BTC Graduation (PDF): A summary and explanation of all the recognition associated with Basic Training Course Graduation.
- VMN Basic Training Course diploma template (MS Word): This document may be used as a template for making printed certificates to provide to program participants upon graduation to recognize satisfactory completion of the course and assessment.
- VMN Admin Info Sheet_Nametag Ordering (PDF): This Nametag Procedures document has step-by-step instructions for chapters to order name tags for VMN volunteers.
- VMN Nametag Spreadsheet Template (MS Excel): This spreadsheet template is to be completed and uploaded with Nametag orders, following the procedures outlined in the Nametag Procedures document.
Recognition for Certification and Recertification
Recognition for Service Hour Milestones
- VMN Admin Info Sheet_Recognition of Certified VMN Status (PDF): A summary and explanation of all the recognition associated with initial certification and recertification.
- Recertification Pin History (webpage): A list of species and images used in VMN recertification pins to date.
- VMN Vol Info Sheet_How to Request a Certification Check (PDF): This document outlines how a VMN volunteer can request a certification check if they think they have achieved initial certification.
Recognition for Service Hour Milestones
- VMN Admin Info Sheet_Recognition for Service Hour Milestones (PDF): A summary and explanation of all the recognition associated with lifetime volunteer service hours.
- VMN Certificate of Appreciation template (MS Word): This document may be used as a template for making certificates to acknowledge a valued supporter of the VMN Program or Chapter, someone who is not an enrolled volunteer but who provides extensive support and resources to the Chapter. Other special Chapter-created awards may also be given.
Better Impact Online Volunteer Management System
In early 2021, the VCE Master Volunteer programs (including VMN) transitioned over to Better Impact, an exciting new volunteer management system (VMS) for all our needs, including communications, activity listings, and the reporting of volunteer hours. Below are some tools to help you use the system.
In early 2021, the VCE Master Volunteer programs (including VMN) transitioned over to Better Impact, an exciting new volunteer management system (VMS) for all our needs, including communications, activity listings, and the reporting of volunteer hours. Below are some tools to help you use the system.
- Better Impact VMS: Initial Instructions for VMN Volunteers (PDF): The basics of getting started in BI as a VMN volunteer
- Better Impact VMS Training Video for VCE Master Volunteers (video): A 30-minute video to help volunteers get started using the basic functions of the system
- Using Better Impact VMS Features as a Volunteer: Match your Interests to find Opportunities, Receive Notices and Reminders about your Activities, and See Who Else has Signed Up (PDF): A document to describe how to more effectively use Better Impact features as a volunteer.
- Creating and Editing Activities in Better Impact: Steps and Guidelines for VCE Master Volunteer Programs (PDF): For Better Impact administrators, this document has all the important steps to take when creating an activity, suggestions, and what to do with that once your activity is made (for Better Impact administrators)
- Info Sheet: Chapter Dues Recordkeeping in Better Impact (PDF): For Better Impact administrators, this document explains how to track dues payments in Better Impact, including steps to perform bulk updates, execute searches and create a spreadsheet.
- Sample Project Proposal Form (MS Word): This document is for use at the chapter level and may be adapted as needed.