Volunteer Opportunities
Virginia Master Naturalists are involved in a number of volunteer service projects throughout the state. These projects fall within four key areas: citizen science, stewardship, environmental education, and chapter administration. All volunteer service projects must be approved prior to participation. This ensures projects meet the mission of our program and have followed the appropriate risk management procedures. See below for a list of available projects and also visit our calendar of events.
Local Opportunities
You can see a list of your chapters' s approved volunteer projects by visiting the Volunteer Management System or your chapter's website. If you would like to start a new project, please complete the project proposal form (see links below) and submit it to your chapter's Board of Directors for approval.
Activity proposal form - MS Word version
Activity proposal form - PDF version
Statewide Projects with Our Sponsoring Agencies
We collaborate with our sponsoring agencies to develop statewide volunteer projects designed especially for VMN volunteers to contribute to our sponsors' needs and missions. If your chapter has adopted any of these projects, they will be listed in Better Impact under opportunities. Examples include the Virginia Bird and Wildlife Trail Site Visits, Virginia Bird and Wildlife Trail Education and Outreach, Living with Black Bears project, Diamondback Dash project, and others.
For Sponsoring Agencies and Partnering Organizations
If you need volunteer assistance with a project that fits the mission of our program, please contact a chapter to start a local project or the statewide VMN Program office to start a regional project.
You can see a list of your chapters' s approved volunteer projects by visiting the Volunteer Management System or your chapter's website. If you would like to start a new project, please complete the project proposal form (see links below) and submit it to your chapter's Board of Directors for approval.
Activity proposal form - MS Word version
Activity proposal form - PDF version
Statewide Projects with Our Sponsoring Agencies
We collaborate with our sponsoring agencies to develop statewide volunteer projects designed especially for VMN volunteers to contribute to our sponsors' needs and missions. If your chapter has adopted any of these projects, they will be listed in Better Impact under opportunities. Examples include the Virginia Bird and Wildlife Trail Site Visits, Virginia Bird and Wildlife Trail Education and Outreach, Living with Black Bears project, Diamondback Dash project, and others.
For Sponsoring Agencies and Partnering Organizations
If you need volunteer assistance with a project that fits the mission of our program, please contact a chapter to start a local project or the statewide VMN Program office to start a regional project.