Receive Communications
VMN Quarterly Newsletter, The Pollinator
All VMN volunteers are now subscribed to The Pollinator, and we periodically update the list to include any newly enrolled volunteers. Members of the public and anyone else who would like to receive the newsletter may subscribe at this link. You can view a PDF version of the most recent issue of The Pollinator.
All VMN volunteers are now subscribed to The Pollinator, and we periodically update the list to include any newly enrolled volunteers. Members of the public and anyone else who would like to receive the newsletter may subscribe at this link. You can view a PDF version of the most recent issue of The Pollinator.
Chapter Coordinators' Listserv
We maintain a Virginia Master Naturalist Program Chapter Coordinators listserv (Google Group) that allows communication between Board members of local chapters, and connects Board members of local chapters with each other, encouraging the exchange of ideas, information, and best practices for leading a successful Virginia Master Naturalist chapter.
This document has details on how to subscribe to and use our Chapter Coordinators listserv