Leadership Month 2022
Online leadership sessions to help you get new ideas and be more effective as a VMN chapter leader and board.
All VMN chapter advisors and chapter board members are invited. Prospective or upcoming board members and committee members are welcome too!
When and Where?
There are three evenings of online sessions. Each evening has two sessions featuring different content. These sessions are statewide, not divided regionally. Additionally, there is a meeting time just for chapter advisors. Leaders from all VMN chapters are welcome to attend as many or as few as they like, but we do hope to see at least one person from every chapter in most sessions. All sessions are via Zoom.
Registrations will open by mid-October, and we will send the links to you via an email to our chapter board mailing list.
If possible, please register at least 3 days before the session as we may be sorting you into breakout rooms for discussions, sending out pre-session materials, etc.
While we encourage you to participate live if you can, most sessions will be recorded so that you can watch them later. However, we cannot post the videos until the captions are edited, so it may be a few weeks after the events that the videos become available to you. Sessions or parts of sessions that are primarily conversations amongst chapter leaders may not be recorded, because we want participants to feel they can speak freely.
If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact Michelle Prysby, VMN Program Director at 434-872-4571/TDD* during business hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to discuss accommodations 5 days prior to the event.
*TDD number is (800) 828-1120.
Online leadership sessions to help you get new ideas and be more effective as a VMN chapter leader and board.
All VMN chapter advisors and chapter board members are invited. Prospective or upcoming board members and committee members are welcome too!
When and Where?
There are three evenings of online sessions. Each evening has two sessions featuring different content. These sessions are statewide, not divided regionally. Additionally, there is a meeting time just for chapter advisors. Leaders from all VMN chapters are welcome to attend as many or as few as they like, but we do hope to see at least one person from every chapter in most sessions. All sessions are via Zoom.
Registrations will open by mid-October, and we will send the links to you via an email to our chapter board mailing list.
If possible, please register at least 3 days before the session as we may be sorting you into breakout rooms for discussions, sending out pre-session materials, etc.
While we encourage you to participate live if you can, most sessions will be recorded so that you can watch them later. However, we cannot post the videos until the captions are edited, so it may be a few weeks after the events that the videos become available to you. Sessions or parts of sessions that are primarily conversations amongst chapter leaders may not be recorded, because we want participants to feel they can speak freely.
If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact Michelle Prysby, VMN Program Director at 434-872-4571/TDD* during business hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to discuss accommodations 5 days prior to the event.
*TDD number is (800) 828-1120.
Schedule of Events and Registration Links
Tuesday, November 1
Part 1 - 6:30-7:30 pm: Working Together When Differences Clash
Description: Why is it necessary for us to work together? How do each of us view change within the context of our volunteer work and programming? How do we individually and collectively approach problem solving? Why do we disagree and who is right? What happens when our ideas, methodologies, and preferences clash when we are supposedly working toward the same goal or solution? These questions and more will be raised and addressed to give us a deeper appreciation for those with whom we work and volunteer who likely see life, our volunteer opportunities, and our work through lenses different than our own. We will discuss diversity in a very broad sense that expands beyond personal identity characteristics. And how does all of this impact within-group communication? Conflict is inevitable. How we manage and navigate conflict determines how successful we will be ultimately.
Presenter Bio: In late March of this year, Mr. Dave Close was announced as the Specialist for Volunteer Engagement for Virginia Cooperative Extension. Up until that point he served as the State Extension Specialist for Consumer Horticulture. He was also the State Program Director for the Extension Master Gardener Program and the Extension MG State Coordinator prior to that. Before moving to Virginia Tech, Dave was the Community Forestry Coordinator for the southern 36 counties in Illinois working jointly with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and Southern Illinois University assisting small municipalities to manage their community forest resources. He received an M.S. degree in Forest Ecology from Southern Illinois University and has post-masters course work in Botany, Environmental Resources and Policy, and Leadership.
Watch the video. (Note: this version of the video has machine-generated captions. Caption editing is in progress, and the new version with edited captions will be posted here in approximately two weeks.)
Part 2 - 7:45-8:45 pm: Leaders Networking Hour
Description: We will start with a few announcements and then spend most of the session in breakout rooms. Join in to swap ideas with other volunteers in similar roles or to share your own great strategies for success!
This session was not be recorded, because it will be primarily breakout room discussions.
Thursday, November 10
Part 1 - 6:30-7:30 pm: Finding, Using, and Sharing: An Introduction to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons Licenses for Virginia Master Naturalists with Anita Walz, Assistant Director for Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Virginia Tech
Description: Many Virginia Master Naturalists give presentations, create and share chapter newsletters, develop websites, use social media, or write articles etc. It is often not possible to create original text and graphics for such education or outreach artifacts, nor is it desirable. Using a series of examples, this presentation will introduce Virginia Master Naturalists to six important copyright principles, methods for finding and legally reusing images and illustrations, including Creative Commons-licensed works, and best practices for crediting authors. By the end of the presentation participants should be able to answer the questions: What's under copyright? How does it get there? How long does copyright last? What activities does copyright cover? Can I (and how) use others' copyrighted works? What are Creative Commons licenses? and perhaps most importantly -- how can I find and legally use others' artifacts which they want me to be able to use?
Presenter: Anita Walz is the Assistant Director for Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian at the University Libraries at Virginia Tech. She currently works with Virginia Tech faculty and staff who want to create and freely share learning resources with students and the general public. She has managed or collaborated to publish numerous open educational resources, including nearly twenty open textbooks which are used all around the world. Her professional career spans academic, international, school, and government libraries in addition to working in non-profits and consulting prior to becoming a librarian.
Watch the video.
Link to slides.
Part 2 - 7:45-8:45 pm: VMN program administrative updates
Description: Please join to hear the latest and greatest about program policies and procedures. It will be things you need to know as a chapter leader, and we promise to make it fun!
Presenters: Michelle Prysby, VMN Program Director and Tiffany Brown, VMN Program Assistant
Watch the video.
Monday, November 14
Part 1 - 6:30-7:30 pm: Leadership Succession - Cultivating Future Chapter Leaders
Description: The VMN program relies on volunteers to run the day-to-day operations of the program at the local level. Enthusiastic, motivated, and organized volunteers serving in chapter leadership positions are key! How can you recruit and retain new leaders? What strategies tried by chapters have been most effective? What do you do when there is a gap? Michelle and Tiffany will share everything they have gleaned from working with 30+ chapters over the lifetime of the program, and we will ask you to share your thoughts and experiences, too.
Presenters: Michelle Prysby, VMN Program Director and Tiffany Brown, VMN Program Assistant
Watch the video.
Part 2 - 7:45-8:45 pm: Engaging with Our Sponsoring Agencies
Description: In this session, we will discuss how VMN chapters can best engage with two of our sponsoring agencies, DCR State Parks and DOF. Agency representatives will join us to talk about how to best communicate with the agencies, volunteer opportunities, limitations on how the agencies can utilize volunteers, and suggestions for developing more effective working relationships. We hope to have similar conversations with other agencies in the future.
Dorie Stolley, Director of the Office of Community Engagement and Volunteerism, Virginia State Parks, DCR, works to support and strengthen State Parks volunteer programs, such as Camp Host, AmeriCorps, Youth Conservation Corps, and the "regular" volunteer program that provides invaluable service to individual parks. Dorie helped to start the Tidewater Chapter of the VMN program and is now a member of the Riverine Chapter.
Ellen Powell is the Conservation Education Coordinator for the Virginia Department of Forestry. Ellen wrote the Common Native Trees of Virginia and Common Native Shrubs and Woody Vines of Virginia books that our VMN chapters use in their training courses. She helped start the VMN program statewide in 2005 and has served as a steering committee member and agency liaison since that point.
Watch the video. (Note: this version of the video has machine-generated captions. Caption editing is in progress, and the new version with edited captions will be posted here in approximately two weeks.)
Wednesday, November 16
9:00-10:30 am Chapter Advisors Meeting
Description: We ask chapter advisors to join us to get up to speed on what's happening in the VMN program, to share their perspectives, and to network with each other. We will have a Q&A time to answer your burning questions about VMN procedures and the advisor role and responsibilities.
Tuesday, November 1
Part 1 - 6:30-7:30 pm: Working Together When Differences Clash
Description: Why is it necessary for us to work together? How do each of us view change within the context of our volunteer work and programming? How do we individually and collectively approach problem solving? Why do we disagree and who is right? What happens when our ideas, methodologies, and preferences clash when we are supposedly working toward the same goal or solution? These questions and more will be raised and addressed to give us a deeper appreciation for those with whom we work and volunteer who likely see life, our volunteer opportunities, and our work through lenses different than our own. We will discuss diversity in a very broad sense that expands beyond personal identity characteristics. And how does all of this impact within-group communication? Conflict is inevitable. How we manage and navigate conflict determines how successful we will be ultimately.
Presenter Bio: In late March of this year, Mr. Dave Close was announced as the Specialist for Volunteer Engagement for Virginia Cooperative Extension. Up until that point he served as the State Extension Specialist for Consumer Horticulture. He was also the State Program Director for the Extension Master Gardener Program and the Extension MG State Coordinator prior to that. Before moving to Virginia Tech, Dave was the Community Forestry Coordinator for the southern 36 counties in Illinois working jointly with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and Southern Illinois University assisting small municipalities to manage their community forest resources. He received an M.S. degree in Forest Ecology from Southern Illinois University and has post-masters course work in Botany, Environmental Resources and Policy, and Leadership.
Watch the video. (Note: this version of the video has machine-generated captions. Caption editing is in progress, and the new version with edited captions will be posted here in approximately two weeks.)
Part 2 - 7:45-8:45 pm: Leaders Networking Hour
Description: We will start with a few announcements and then spend most of the session in breakout rooms. Join in to swap ideas with other volunteers in similar roles or to share your own great strategies for success!
This session was not be recorded, because it will be primarily breakout room discussions.
Thursday, November 10
Part 1 - 6:30-7:30 pm: Finding, Using, and Sharing: An Introduction to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons Licenses for Virginia Master Naturalists with Anita Walz, Assistant Director for Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Virginia Tech
Description: Many Virginia Master Naturalists give presentations, create and share chapter newsletters, develop websites, use social media, or write articles etc. It is often not possible to create original text and graphics for such education or outreach artifacts, nor is it desirable. Using a series of examples, this presentation will introduce Virginia Master Naturalists to six important copyright principles, methods for finding and legally reusing images and illustrations, including Creative Commons-licensed works, and best practices for crediting authors. By the end of the presentation participants should be able to answer the questions: What's under copyright? How does it get there? How long does copyright last? What activities does copyright cover? Can I (and how) use others' copyrighted works? What are Creative Commons licenses? and perhaps most importantly -- how can I find and legally use others' artifacts which they want me to be able to use?
Presenter: Anita Walz is the Assistant Director for Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian at the University Libraries at Virginia Tech. She currently works with Virginia Tech faculty and staff who want to create and freely share learning resources with students and the general public. She has managed or collaborated to publish numerous open educational resources, including nearly twenty open textbooks which are used all around the world. Her professional career spans academic, international, school, and government libraries in addition to working in non-profits and consulting prior to becoming a librarian.
Watch the video.
Link to slides.
Part 2 - 7:45-8:45 pm: VMN program administrative updates
Description: Please join to hear the latest and greatest about program policies and procedures. It will be things you need to know as a chapter leader, and we promise to make it fun!
Presenters: Michelle Prysby, VMN Program Director and Tiffany Brown, VMN Program Assistant
Watch the video.
Monday, November 14
Part 1 - 6:30-7:30 pm: Leadership Succession - Cultivating Future Chapter Leaders
Description: The VMN program relies on volunteers to run the day-to-day operations of the program at the local level. Enthusiastic, motivated, and organized volunteers serving in chapter leadership positions are key! How can you recruit and retain new leaders? What strategies tried by chapters have been most effective? What do you do when there is a gap? Michelle and Tiffany will share everything they have gleaned from working with 30+ chapters over the lifetime of the program, and we will ask you to share your thoughts and experiences, too.
Presenters: Michelle Prysby, VMN Program Director and Tiffany Brown, VMN Program Assistant
Watch the video.
Part 2 - 7:45-8:45 pm: Engaging with Our Sponsoring Agencies
Description: In this session, we will discuss how VMN chapters can best engage with two of our sponsoring agencies, DCR State Parks and DOF. Agency representatives will join us to talk about how to best communicate with the agencies, volunteer opportunities, limitations on how the agencies can utilize volunteers, and suggestions for developing more effective working relationships. We hope to have similar conversations with other agencies in the future.
Dorie Stolley, Director of the Office of Community Engagement and Volunteerism, Virginia State Parks, DCR, works to support and strengthen State Parks volunteer programs, such as Camp Host, AmeriCorps, Youth Conservation Corps, and the "regular" volunteer program that provides invaluable service to individual parks. Dorie helped to start the Tidewater Chapter of the VMN program and is now a member of the Riverine Chapter.
Ellen Powell is the Conservation Education Coordinator for the Virginia Department of Forestry. Ellen wrote the Common Native Trees of Virginia and Common Native Shrubs and Woody Vines of Virginia books that our VMN chapters use in their training courses. She helped start the VMN program statewide in 2005 and has served as a steering committee member and agency liaison since that point.
Watch the video. (Note: this version of the video has machine-generated captions. Caption editing is in progress, and the new version with edited captions will be posted here in approximately two weeks.)
Wednesday, November 16
9:00-10:30 am Chapter Advisors Meeting
Description: We ask chapter advisors to join us to get up to speed on what's happening in the VMN program, to share their perspectives, and to network with each other. We will have a Q&A time to answer your burning questions about VMN procedures and the advisor role and responsibilities.
Expected Outcomes
Do you need further convincing to participate in our Leadership Month sessions?
Do you need further convincing to participate in our Leadership Month sessions?
- Each year, more than 90% of VMN Leadership Day evaluation respondents rate the workshops as "Excellent" or "Very Good".
- 97% say that participating made them feel more supported in their chapter leadership role.
- More than 95% report they got new ideas they planned to implement in their chapters.