Resources for Risk Management and Civil Rights Responsibilities
As volunteers for the state of Virginia, our volunteers have certain obligations to ensure their safety and the safety of the populations they serve. In addition, our volunteers have civil rights responsibilities to ensure that their programs are open and accessible to all. Below, you will find documentation to guide you through the risk management procedures and civil rights responsibilities for our program.
Volunteer Screening
Policies and documents related to volunteer application, enrollment, and screening are found on our Volunteer Enrollment and Screening page.
Policies and documents related to volunteer application, enrollment, and screening are found on our Volunteer Enrollment and Screening page.
Risk Management and Civil Rights Training Materials on Better Impact
All VMN volunteers need to complete the risk management and civil rights trainings as part of their basic training course and then again in subsequent years (every year for civil rights, every three years for risk management.) Both trainings are available as e-learning modules in Better Impact, and that is the best place to access them. When a volunteer completes one of the trainings in Better Impact, they will automatically get a qualification and badge showing they have completed it.
Step-by-step instructions for accessing and completing the risk management and civil rights trainings in Better Impact
All VMN volunteers need to complete the risk management and civil rights trainings as part of their basic training course and then again in subsequent years (every year for civil rights, every three years for risk management.) Both trainings are available as e-learning modules in Better Impact, and that is the best place to access them. When a volunteer completes one of the trainings in Better Impact, they will automatically get a qualification and badge showing they have completed it.
Step-by-step instructions for accessing and completing the risk management and civil rights trainings in Better Impact
Risk Management Training and Planning Materials (updated January 2024)
- Risk management presentation notes for presenters (PDF): This document describes how to use the risk management training materials.
- Risk Management for Virginia Master Naturalist Volunteers PowerPoint presentation (MS PowerPoint, 14 MB): In most cases, volunteers should view the recording of this presentation in Better Impact in the e-learning module. If, however, a chapter needs to teach the topic using a different method, this PowerPoint file is available. A script is provided in the presenter notes. If you have questions about how to use this presentation, please contact the VMN state program office. Use this presentation together with the Safety and Risk Management publication below.
- Safety and Risk Management for Virginia Master Naturalist Volunteers: This VCE publication should be used in VMN basic training courses and as a reference and tool for all VMN volunteers. This PDF document contains a risk management planning worksheet, a risk identification worksheet, and a field work risk management checklist. Use this publication with the PowerPoint presentation above.
- Risk Management Planning Worksheet, Risk Identification Worksheet, Field Work Risk Management Checklist (MS Word): This document combines the three worksheets from the Safety and Risk Management publication into a single MS Word document so that volunteers may type in the worksheets and add additional information as needed.
- Accident/Incident Report Form (PDF): VMN volunteers should carry this current version of the form and use it in the event of serious accidents or incidents that occur during VMN programs or volunteer activities.
- Emergency Procedures Card (PDF): VMN volunteers should print and fill out this card as directed in the risk management presentation and carry it when volunteering. Use it in the event of a very serious emergency. Make sure you have up-to-date information for your chapter advisor on the card.
Resources for Civil Rights Responsibilities (updated January 2024)
- Extension Contacts Reporting Fact Sheet (PDF): This publication describes what counts as a contact and what does not, as well as the differences between direct and indirect contacts.
- Voluntary Program Participant Self-Reporting Form (PDF): This document is for use by volunteers to aid in collecting contact demographic information during educational programs that they are doing with an Extension office. Volunteers may pass out this sheet and share the data with the Extension faculty member.
- Virginia Cooperative Extension Description of All Reasonable Efforts (PDF): This document describes what is meant by making "all reasonable efforts" to encourage participation by and meet the needs of underrepresented groups.
- Virginia Cooperative Extension Equal Access Request Letter Template (PDF): This document may be used with external partner organizations to document their compliance with VCE's nondiscrimination policies.