#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Whether you give your time, a financial donation, or both, we encourage you to challenge yourself on November 29 to do more as a Virginia Master Naturalist volunteer. Have you finished your 40 hours of service to be a Certified Virginia Master Naturalist in 2017? If not, take time Tuesday to make a plan to complete that goal. Is your chapter planning a spring basic training course? Spend time on Tuesday recruiting new volunteers. Is that habitat planting your chapter did last spring needing some TLC? Get outdoors Tuesday and pull a few invasives. Share your love for nature with a child, report data for your favorite citizen science project, let your neighbors know about ways they can improve ecosystem functioning on their landscape....there's so much you can do as a Virginia Master Naturalist to celebrate #GivingTuesday.
If you're looking for more, consider a donation to support the activities of our statewide Virginia Master Naturalist program. Your financial contributions help us not only sustain the Virginia Master Naturalist program in these times of drastically shrinking state budgets, but also to expand it with special initiatives. You can make your gift online or by mailing your contribution (made out to Virginia Tech Foundation, with memo for VMN Account 876092) to:
Virginia Tech University Development (0336)
902 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 24061
If you're looking for more, consider a donation to support the activities of our statewide Virginia Master Naturalist program. Your financial contributions help us not only sustain the Virginia Master Naturalist program in these times of drastically shrinking state budgets, but also to expand it with special initiatives. You can make your gift online or by mailing your contribution (made out to Virginia Tech Foundation, with memo for VMN Account 876092) to:
Virginia Tech University Development (0336)
902 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 24061